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BoldIQ team member to speak at FullConTech

Support Engineer Daniel Browning selected as one of three Flash Talk presenters at the WTIA’s FullConTech conference to be held in Redmond, WA Oct 3 2016.

FullConTech brings together leaders from the public and private sectors to develop new ways to foster positive, sustainable growth for the technology industry and our community.  With a focus on exchanging ideas and taking action, FullConTech sessions encourage participants to challenge traditional ways of thinking and collaborate across industry, education, non-profit and government to solve problems and make a meaningful impact.

Last year’s 300 participants worked together to build a playbook for WTIA, designing new initiatives to address specific needs within the technology industry and the broader community.  Based on the cross-sector collaboration that took place at FullConTech 2015, in July 2016, WTIA launched Draft Day, a program that uses a “blind” recruitment and interview prep program to connect diverse talent from underrepresented schools with tech employers across the state.

Daniel, a veteran of the U.S. Army, was one of two people hired by BoldIQ at draft day.

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